In 2018, Geoffrey BOYER found“CATALYST TRADING LTD” in Montreal, Canada.
It is the starting point of our international company focused on innovative and unique solutions
to support any projects in complex and isolated areas.
Mr. BOYER comes from an industrialists family, who established and maintained railways both in Iran and in the United States. The company quickly developed itself internationally producing a large range of equipement from pushback tractors for airports, to specific trucks dedicated to South American mines. In the 1970s, a passion for aeronautics is born, and the company starts supplying services and solutions by helicopter and plane, ranging from power grid inspections, passengers and equipment transport, to base and camp installations in the most remote places.
With this third generation, CATALYST TRADING, perpetuates this philosophy by providing consulting services, solutions and equipment for armies, institutions and manufacturers. Our goal is to be able to operate efficiently in the most extreme conditions. For the last 10 years we have been very active and able to develop a network of loyal customers, thanks to our skills and partners.
Today, our activity is still constantly expanding.